MAXIDECOR Travertino
MAXIDECOR Travertino is a special decorative dry plaster intended for the decorative protection of internal and external mineral surfaces.
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MAXIDECOR Travertino is a special decorative dry plaster intended for the decorative protection of internal and external mineral surfaces. It is carefully created from specially selected marble materials, high-quality cement, polymers and additives to reproduce the effect of natural stone with highlighted "veins" and texture. It is characterized by tight adhesion to mineral surfaces, good vapor permeability, exceptional water resistance and resistance to atmospheric influences and UV rays.
OPERATIING TEMPARATURE: The optimal operating temperature is from +10 °C to +30 °C. It should not be used below +5 °C, as well as in strong sun, wind, fog and rain. Under optimal conditions, freshly applied surfaces should be protected from atmospheric influences for at least 24 hours.
CONSUMPTION RATE: ≈ 2 kg/m², depending on the technique and method of application and the quality of the prepared surfaces.
EXPIRY DATE AND STORAGE: 12 months from the production date indicated on the packaging. To be stored in closed and undamaged packaging, in a dry and ventilated room.
The surface must be: flat, dry, clean, free of loosely bonded parts, dust, water-soluble salts, grease and other impurities that can prevent good adhesion to the substrate. The plastered surfaces dry for 28 days, and the final layer of reinforcing glue for 7 days. Before application, the surface must be primed. For newly leveled and insufficiently load-bearing surfaces, first impregnate the walls with MAXIKRIL Hidrosol. After MAXIKRIL Hidrosol has dried, white ROLOGRUND is applied.
Material preparation: MAXIDECOR Travertino of 20 kg is added to 5.0-5.5 L of water and stirred until a homogeneous mixture is obtained without lumps, but not too long to avoid the formation of foam that can cause problems when applying. If this happens, let the finished mixture sit for 15-20 minutes and then apply it. Use the prepared mixture within 2 hours. Application technique: Apply MAXIDECOR Travertino in an even layer with a stainless trowel so that the thickness of the applied material is approximately 1.5–2.0 mm. 10–15 minutes after application (depending on weather conditions), or as soon as the material starts to dry, start to create texture with a suitable tool (for example, an artificial grass tool) to form "veins" that are characteristic of the natural travertine stone we aim to imitate. Then level the surface with a stainless trowel with a little more pressure so that the texture of natural stone is created. When you are done with the application process, proceed to "chipping" the applied material to create an imitation of stone blocks. "Cut" the material using the rounded tip of a smaller spatula or using a screwdriver, making blocks of appropriate sizes. To make the lines completely horizontal, respectively vertical, use a long spirit level as a guide. After use, the tools should be washed immediately with water.
Painting technique: MAXIDECOR Travertino is painted with a special semi-transparent MAXIDECOR Velatura coating, at least 24 hours after application and according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Shipments are usually shipped within 1 or 2 days after payment is received and are shipped via Econt. Your shipment is delivered the next business day. Until 6 p.m. for door-to-door shipments, and for shipments to Econt's office - as early as the morning when the site opens. Except for the settlements that are on schedule.
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